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近海聽心 - Page 36

  • 綠茶能補腎嗎?


    綠茶提取物被證明可以解決腎臟問題,並通過防止腎臟損傷來延長壽命。喝綠茶有多種好處,例如抗氧化劑、兒茶素和 ECGC,它們以對腎臟相關問題的有益效果而聞名。


    尿液分析呈陽性後,您的醫生可能會開出 Bactrim 或 Cipro,這兩種抗生素通常用於治療由大腸桿菌引起的尿路感染。如果您在幾劑後沒有好轉,則大腸桿菌可能對這些藥物有抗藥性。



    綠茶中的一些健康類黃酮——據信對心臟健康有益的化合物——在脫咖啡因過程中會被破壞,所以如果你選擇脫咖啡因, Blumberg 說,沖泡更濃的杯子或用兩杯代替一個,




    由於咖啡因的效果只需 20 分鐘即可顯現,大約需要 1 小時才能完全發揮作用,因此晚上喝含咖啡因的綠茶可能會妨礙您入睡 (16)。






    賓夕法尼亞州立大學的研究人員透露,綠茶提取物和運動的結合可以將餵食高脂肪飲食的老鼠的肥胖相關脂肪肝疾病的嚴重程度降低 75%,這意味著這項研究可能會指出一種潛在的健康策略人。


    它所含的咖啡因和兒茶素已被證明可以促進新陳代謝並增加脂肪燃燒 (9, 10 )。總體而言,研究表明,飲用綠茶可以幫助您每天額外燃燒 75-100 卡路里 (11).


    它具有強抗氧化劑。 ...
    它可以緩解炎症。 ...
    它可以降低患心髒病的風險。 ...
    它可以減少糖尿病並發症。 ...
    它可能有助於加快您的新陳代謝。 ...
    它可能有助於改善大腦功能。 ...
    它可能有助於預防和治療某些癌症。 ...

  • Reduce the health risks of secon...


    The water source water in the environment through the purification Amway傳銷 water treatment plant to provide households, do you know, these meet the national testing standards water, in the household use, may also suffer secondary contamination, and thus bring risks to health, and household drinking water health risks mainly from microbial contamination.

    What high-risk stages of the household water process can lead to microbial secondary contamination?

    Inappropriate stages in the water supply process

    Leakage of the tap water network system: Due to the dilapidated water supply network, the network is damaged and the wastewater sludge etc. from the surrounding environment enters the water supply system, causing contamination of tap water.

    Cistern (tank) pollution: multi-storey buildings use roof tanks, cisterns or pressurized water pumps to carry out water supply, if these assistance equipment is not disinfected and maintained on time, there is usually a potential pollution problem.

    Siphoning backflow at the water point: When the main pipeline network is disconnected for some reason, and the pressurized pump is still running normally, the water in the wastewater tank will siphon backflow and flow into the short layer or neighboring building customers, causing pollution.

    Wrong connection of pipe network: For example, the wrong connection of sewage pipe and water pipe will lead to the waste water into the water pipe network.

    Improper application of home drinking fountains

    While the water dispenser is dispensing water, as the pressure inside the bucket decreases, gas will enter the dispenser and the bucket, and airborne microorganisms will live and breed in the bucket and the dispenser.

    Inappropriate stage in drinking habits

    Drinking cold water: Cold water, especially natural water, may contain bacteria, viruses and parasites that are harmful to humans. Drinking cool water containing microorganisms can easily cause acute gastroenteritis, viral hepatitis, typhoid, dysentery and parasitic diseases.

    Drinking water for a long time: water boiled, placed too long, the air microorganisms will enter theamway濾水器, so that the body of water suffered contamination.

    Barrel water contamination: some barrels of water overdue applications, and cleaning and disinfection is not in place, serious contamination in the barrel; barrels of water in transport, very few health safety measures, most outdoor transport, very vulnerable to external environmental pollution.

    Microbial removal methods

    The current approach to removing microorganisms from drinking water, there are two main chemical methods and physical methods.

    Chemical methods, that is, the traditional disinfection method, chlorination, ozone, heavy metal ionization method and other oxidant methods. Among them, chlorine is commonly used because of its strong disinfection ability, cheap price, easy chlorination equipment, convenient residual chlorine measurement, and easy quantitative adjustment; however, these disinfection solutions will have residuals in the water and produce halogenated hydrocarbons, which pose a threat to health. Ozone disinfection itself does not produce halogenated alkanes and total organic halogens, but other disinfection by-products such as aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols can produce trihalomethanes and Artistry評價 to health if chlorinated.

    The main physical disinfection methods are mechanical filtration, heating, radiation, microelectrolysis, ultraviolet light and microwave disinfection. Because of the advantages of strong sterilization effect, short disinfection time, no disinfection by-products, low cost, UV sterilization method is gradually becoming one of the miniaturized drinking water disinfection methods. However, UV sterilization must overcome some of its own defects: 1.

    1, the germicidal efficacy of UVC is not continuous, only effective during the irradiation period.

    2, suspended matter in the water will affect the effect of germicidal UVC.

  • To do a comprehensive physical examination, these six checkups must be carried out well, none of which can be saved

    Do a comprehensive physical examination, which items are necessary?

    1, to do a comprehensive physical examination, we need to check the endocrine system, which is designed to fully reflect the development of students' physical and mental health. The endocrine system can be checked, vital signs monitor the three items of blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin and bone density. The normal blood glucose concentration is 80-120 mg%, and if it is not exceeded or below this value, the teacher needs to study the next examination. In addition, glycosylated hemoglobin can effectively reflect the level of blood glucose control management and is used to analyze the ability to determine whether diabetes is present. The middle-aged and elderly society needs to judge the degree of physical health education based on the detection of bone density.

    2. Comprehensive examination includes blood system examination, which is generally routine blood examination. The routine blood test can be used to know whether there are blood diseases and to grasp the internal situation in the blood. In addition, changes in the number and morphology of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets can help determine the health status of the body.

    Digestive system examinations are also essential. Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, abdominal ultrasound, liver function tests, and Helicobacter pylori tests can be performed to understand the health of the digestive system. Colonoscopy, gastroscopy and abdominal ultrasound are best for middle-aged and elderly people, through which they can determine whether there are problems in the stomach. In addition, liver function tests are routinely performed, mainly by the values of glutamic oxalacetic transaminase and glutamic alanine transaminase.

    Figure 4. The cardiovascular system is subject to a thorough physical examination, and the health of the heart can be understood through an electrocardiogram. Generally speaking, if you live with frequent symptoms of chest discomfort, dizziness and sometimes discomfort in the precordial region, you need to have a timely ECG examination. ECG is an important test for cardiovascular health examination and diagnosis of various cardiac diseases.

    5. A comprehensive physical examination needs to include a urinary system examination in order to understand the health status of the urinary system through routine urine and kidney function tests. The items that need to be performed in middle-aged and elderly people are urine routine to know whether there are any body organ diseases through urine composition analysis. In addition, the kidney function test is mainly through creatinine and uric acid values. If you have gout symptoms, you need to check your kidneys regularly.

    6, respiratory management system is one of the must-check items technology, through the chest X-ray, lung CT, etc., to understand the patient's lung function analysis and other lung health development, can detect the early lung lesions or airway lesions. Especially we frequent smokers need a check respiratory control system to prevent respiratory research diseases.

    In order to prolong your life, you need to have regular physical examinations and any physical abnormalities can be treated immediately. Since many diseases are easily treated in the early stages, they are usually difficult to cure in the advanced stages. Therefore, it is recommended to develop a good habit of regular medical check-ups in your life to protect your health.

