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  • 什麼是最好的蟲草?




    失去勃起或無法勃起通常是由於神經緊張,焦慮或使用酒精或其他藥物. 有時男人擔心表現,有時他們擔心性交是否是正確的决定,或者他們是否與正確的伴侶在一起.


    黑升麻,紅三葉草,純潔的樹莓,冬瓜,月見草,銀杏,人參和甘草是更年期女性最受歡迎的草藥之一. 其中一些草藥具有强大的激素樣作用,女性不應認為草藥是無害的.


    8.誰不應該服用Cialis? 服用硝酸鹽(如硝酸甘油片或貼片)的患者不應使用Cialis,因為這些藥物與Cialis的組合會顯著降低血壓,並導致一些男性暈倒甚至死亡.


    出血性疾病:冬蟲夏草可能會減緩血液凝固. 服用蟲草可能會新增出血障礙患者的出血風險. 手術:使用蟲草可能會新增手術期間出血的風險. 手術前2周停止服用蟲草. 2021 6月11日


    菟絲子是菟絲子的乾燥成熟種子. 在中國,幾千年來它一直被用來治療陽痿和排精.


    美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)準予了一種名為氟班色林(Addyi)的日常避孕藥,最初是作為一種抗抑鬱藥開發的,用於治療絕經前婦女的性欲低下. Addyi可能會增强性欲低下的女性的性欲,她們覺得這種經歷很痛苦.








  • What is the vacuum cleaner's ope...

    When the house is a mess and dusty, the introduction of vacuum cleaners may help people improve their home life cleaning and maintenance tasks. So, when it comes to vacuum cleaners, do you know what the basic idea is? Next, why not join me and we will discover what is the vacuum cleaner concept cordless vacuum cleaner supplier, in the buying of vacuum cleaners above the need for attention?

    What is the vacuum cleaner principle?

    What are your feelings towards vacuum cleaners? The vacuum cleaner is made up of three elements: dust beginning, dust absorption, and dust filtering. These parts typically comprise a series-excited rectifier motor, centrifugal fan, dust filter (bag), and dust absorbing accessories. Vacuum cleaners often have a power range of 400-1000W or greater, whereas portable vacuum cleaners typically have a power range of 250W or less.

    What kinds of vacuum cleaners are available today? A vacuum cleaner can collect dust because it includes an electric extractor fan in its "head." The air is discharged at a high speed due to suction and pressure, while the air in front of the fan is constantly compensated by the air in the fan, resulting in an instantaneous vacuum inside the vacuum cleaner, which represents a negative pressure difference with the external atmospheric pressure, and the air containing dust is inhaled due to this pressure difference. The filter cleans the air before it is expelled from the machine's back end.

    What are the fundamental principles governing vacuum cleaners? The dust bag within the vacuum cleaner is full, obstructing the air passage. The dust bag is full, and the air flow is obstructed. Foreign items have obstructed the hose, nozzle, and dust bag contact. Check to see whether the channels and micro-pores are all blocked, and remove any foreign matter to smooth them out. The hose, brush seat, and extension tube are not properly linked, resulting in air leakage. Examine the articulation and connect from the start. The shell articulation pieces' centers are not firmly linked, or the sealing ring has failed due to age. Check each articulation and, if required, the seal ring for replacement processes.

    Advice on Purchasing a Vacuum Cleaner

    Vacuum cleaner purchasing advice 1: The vacuum cleaner's connections should be tight, particularly the junction of the dust collecting and power parts. Start the power switch and move your palm near to the junction; if there is no sense of air leakage, the seal is excellent; otherwise, it is bad. A poorly sealed vacuum cleaner not only has a poor suction effect, but it also uses a lot of energy.

    Two vacuum cleaner purchasing skills: regular vacuum cleaner manufacturers, tidy and firm packaging box, manual, certificate of conformity, warranty certificate must be complete, complete accessories, smooth appearance, beautiful and generous. The appliance nameplate should include all electrical specifications (power supply voltage, power supply nature symbol, power frequency, power manufacturer or trademark, etc.). Nowadays, horizontal vacuum cleaners include an automated power cable roll back function; try pulling out a part of the power cord and pressing the roll back button to see whether its operation is responsive and consistent.

    3 vacuum cleaner purchasing tips: a vacuum cleaner is a motor that drags air blades to create negative pressure. So, to determine its improved dust removal ability, switch on the power and use your hand to come near to the dust suction port, where there is an evident suction force (to the box). The stronger the suction, the better the apparatus's dust or water suction effect. In contrast, it is not.

    Vacuum cleaners have been a favorite household equipment for many households since they first emerged. In the purchase of vacuum cleaners, customers must also grasp the necessary purchasing skills, so that you may assist in purchasing a more cost-effective, more people clean, and to bring support when the vacuum cleaner goods.